Development and contract manufacturing of

electronic devices

Development and contract manufacturing of

electronic devices

  • Distribution of materials and components
    for LED lighting

  • Development and contract production

Serial production of LED
fixtures and components

LRC production is configured for serial production of components and power supplies for LED lighting, LED lamps and lighting fixtures. We mainly focus on the production of large batches of serial products for commercial, street and industrial lighting, but this does not prevent us from solving non-standard tasks that require fundamental knowledge in the field of lighting engineering and extensive experience in introducing LED technology into lighting.

Distribution of materials and components
for LED lighting

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras mollis augue ac massa suscipit blandit. Sed a nisl in ligula pulvinar tempor.

Vivamus semper placerat elit, vel dapibus nibh porttitor id. Etiam non velit risus. Ut quis erat vitae nulla accumsan fringilla et et neque. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Development and contract production

Vivamus semper placerat elit, vel dapibus nibh porttitor id. Etiam non velit risus. Ut quis erat vitae nulla accumsan fringilla et et neque. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus3.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras mollis augue ac massa suscipit blandit. Sed a nisl in ligula pulvinar tempor3.

Our goal

LRC specializes in the production of LED luminaires and components, the distribution of electronic components and materials, as well as on development services and contract manufacturing of electronics.

Our systems not only improve the energy efficiency of lighting products, but also improve indoor working conditions, create comfort and contribute to increased productivity

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Green light

We understand that business
should not adversely affect
on ecology.

Our products not only make
world lighter, but better!

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